Modern Slavery is very real and around all of us today, and you may not know it. You can play your part and help put trafficking out of business by taking a moment to spot the signs.
Physical Signs
Victims may show signs of abuse, appear unkempt or malnourished
Victims may avoid unnecessary contact with others
May seem controlled or under the influence of others
Few or no personal possessions
Victims may always wear the same clothes day in day out
May not have access to passport, ID or a mobile phone
Restricted freedom of movement
Victims may not be able to move around freely
Rarely allowed to travel alone
Fear of authorities
Victims may show signs of hesitation when speaking with the police or other forms of authorities
Reluctant to seek help
Unusual travel times
Victims may be dropped of/collected at strange times (e.g. very late or early from work)
Works extremely long hours
If you believe someone may be a victim of modern slavery, contact the modern slavery helpline 08000 121 700 or if an emergency call 999.