Debt Bondage
Child Trafficking
Child Trafficking
Here you will find information about the Education Pack that your child is studying in school.
There are estimated 1.2 million children trafficked every year worldwide (ILO)
Trafficking is a world-wide and fast-growing problem. An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked every year worldwide (ILO).
We are shocked with continued news reports about grooming gangs who have systematically groomed, abused and trafficked children and young people. There was a three-part drama created based on the true stories of victims of grooming and sexual abuse in Rochdale; BBC One - Three Girls.
The abusers often gain trust and use threats or violence to coerce the victim into sexual/ illegal activity, making the victim feel they have no choice or way out of the situation.
Why is the pack being taught in schools?
There are an estimated 13,000 people trapped in modern slavery in the UK today. Young people are particularly at risk as they transition between child and adult.
They find themselves in more independent circumstances. e.g. in the workplace, socialising without their parents, venturing into romantic relationships. All these are areas where the young person is developing and learning about life and they are more likely to take known, but particularly unknown risks.
Traffickers prey on vulnerable young people to manipulate and exploit them. We want to put a stop to this!
What is the education pack?
The Safe and Free Education Pack is designed to empower young people with knowledge around the topics of grooming, human trafficking and child sexual exploitation (CSE).
The pack contains 6 unique lesson modules and is taught in the classroom by the students' regular teachers.
Using a number of different teaching techniques including visualisation, case studies, videos and group work, we tackle a complicated topic in a way that students understand in a safe and controlled environment.
This allows them to discuss the issues that are raised and leaves them feeling confident and empowered.
" What students say "
"The lessons were very engaging as we learned a lot of information which was also given from case studies."
"If you’re in an unfamiliar place make sure you’re always with someone, or make sure you know you’re in a safe environment."
"They were particularly effective as I, myself, feel more aware after all the lessons."
“I have learned about what makes someone vulnerable – but that anyone can be trafficked, no matter how vulnerable they are.”